Welcome to Crimson Dawn's official homepage where you will eventually be able to find out anything you want about anything.  Some things you will find as our page developes are some useful applications as well as games, some emulation, some info about RPG's (our favorites), and of course anime, as well as lots of other stuff.  If you haven't yet, read the disclaimer .  If you don't it's your fault, not ours.

    You might be wondering why everything looks so clumped together, and horrible.  It
is because I have just started HTML again, and I have to try to remeber all of the
wonderful things I used to know.  So for now you're just goning to have to deal with
Other Pages:

Update Info
Bio's to a point...

Remember, Crimson Dawn Pages are always under heavy construction, and will be expanding quite a bit, hopefully. Thanks for coming, and visit often.